
Thoughts, Rants, Observations and maybe a laugh. On politics, sports and anything else i find worth posting

Friday, June 29, 2007

Colson has a great Point!

Chuck Colson has a great article on what happenned to General Peter Pace. Please click, read & think

Thursday, June 28, 2007

LA Time positive on Justice Thomas, sort of

A very interesting opinion piece in the LA Times is well worth the read. click, think and enjoy

Is Iraq at a tipping point?

Omar at "Iraq the Model" has another great post please read.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Diversity un-security or local fear

John Leo has an interesting article on a diversity study that I feel is true, but sad. please lick and read.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Current Reality in Iraq

Once again Michael Yon tell the reality of the war as it's happening, PLEASE READ

Reagan & Iran

the blog Strand Women Lying in Ponds lead me to a great story about President Reagan and his dealings with Iran. Very interesting!!!


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Malkin on Iranian civil rights

Michelle Malking has a distrubing picture and story from Iran. Boy,! would most of use be in for at least a betting or worse. Please look, but realize it a not nice


Another picture (videos) of Afghanistan

The SydneyMorning Herald has a great set of videos. It well worth the time to see this different picture of the other war on terrorism.

Resilient Afghanistan

Multimedia: A snapshot of life in Afghanistan from David Williams.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

A different view of Islam

Another article you should read.

Irshad Manji: Islam the problem

It give me hope we don't need to have a war over Faith if these types of voice get a broader airing.

Irshad Manji is creator of the new documentary Faith Without Fear. She is author of The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith (Random House Australia

View from the real front in Iraq

Michael Yon is an indepent reporter in Iraq on the front. You need to read this now and throw the guy a bone (cash).


Sadr and his power?

This is a facinating article and far more current than the Mainstream Media. Please read

Moqtada al-Sadr has recently accused Iran of assisting Al-Qaeda. Could this be the latest signs of a breakup between the Shia cleric and his allies across the border?

by Mohammed Fadhil, PJM Baghdad Editor

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hamas vs Fatah made simple

Raghida Dergha, in Da Al Hayat has a great piece on the situations in Gaza, West Bank and Israel. Alot more info than you get in the mainstreet media. Its a great view I haven't heard before.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New from the real action in Iraq

I had never seen this guy's post before, but I'll be reading it often from now on. please read and learn and think


Global Cooling

Our Canadian friends and some mud could change the fear machine from Hot to Cold. Please read.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Now these are Smart immigration questions

Mark Levin of the Mark Levin Show have great questions on the immigration bill please go and read.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blogtalking on 24th of June

Lisa and I will do our next show on Sunday the 24th @ 2:30pm topis. Lisa want to suprise me on this week so come and hear what she has to in store.

blog radio

Ted Nugent tells it like it is

Having Roadied myself and having had a friend work a McCartney show in the 90's this is great work by Ted Nugent.

Long live the Wildman! Read and enjoy

Sorry you will have to sign in at the Waco Trib

Monday, June 18, 2007

Global Warming Sanity

Please read and learn and don't be afraid to counter the fear mongers!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

blogtalkradio show

My friend Lisa (the commie) will try our first blogtalkradio show at 2:30pm today. You can call in at (646) 716-7108 Hear if we suck. To listen click on the this link
blog radio

Saturday, June 16, 2007

the Boarder

What we need is to walk and think at the same time!!!! thought #1.) STOP all illegal crossing over, under, thru and overhead into our country. #2.) Get a resolution for the people who are already here. It could be touch back, deportations, prison, amnesty, or something I haven't thought of, but pick a path consultate with your friends and then sell it hard! #3.) Lastly create a mechanism to quantify the number of immagrants the America needs per year.

Its time for our country to exit the "Short Attentions theatre" and do this!

PS. An be nice about the Damn thing. We are talking about everyone's lives who are here now, so remember Courtesy is FREE