
Thoughts, Rants, Observations and maybe a laugh. On politics, sports and anything else i find worth posting

Friday, January 28, 2005

True Tribute

From http://www.andrewsullivan.com/ I found this Outstanding tribute to our Service Members and thier Families, PLEASE spend a few minutes and feel the pride this has given me.

Excellent Thoughts on Neo-Control Freaks

Andrew Sullivan point this one out. http://nobodysbusiness.typepad.com/nobodys_business/2005/01/smokings_slippe.html
Read, Think, Learn

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Freedom or Fear -- Iraq Election

In the over the next few days the Iraqi all over the world will cast ballot or stay home in fear. I hope they embrace Freedom, but fear may rule the day. Soon we will know. I hope Freedom win.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Junk Science

Now Junk Science has taken more over government money. Ok it was teabag pounds, but still why in the Hell was anyone give this Quack money. See the waste as http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6847012 What next money do check why buy porn, no that already happened or why chimps in cages get depressed, no thats been done before. Well when moxie.nu is queen that shit will change or when bitchalicious Chicks for Bush is direct of the budget we can stop this crap! Lady please take over you have more sense than any of these PhD or what every degrees they have stolen.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hope and Faith for the 2nd term

Here are my hopes for President Bush's second term
  1. We finish the job in Iraq, free elections and security for the Iraqi people
  2. The Tax Cut are made permanent
  3. Social Security is fixed, so I might see some of the money I have paid in
  4. Democrats work with ideas, not obstructionist tactic
  5. Republicians learn to relax
  6. I get a lady friend in the same town

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Seahawks Maybe Next Year?

Well, we lost, Fired Whitsitt, keep Holmgren and we will see how the free-agents season goes, but one thing I do know is that it will be different.
We need a TEAM. Watching the Falcons and Steelers you saw a teams. One winning though playing below par and one showing dominance. I hope we learn learn from thier success.
Maybe Next Year!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Tired already

Over the New Years Week I took all but a 1/2 day off and SLEEP, ok some relatives came by to visit, but to be honest although it was great to see the, especially the east coaster I need more sleep or sex. Since sex would mean a had a woman in the area or at least passing by that's out. So, Football, nap, lunch, nap, Football, drink, nap, dinner, nap, drink, Sleep was the main objective.
So I go back to work on monday and now its tuesday night an I'm wiped out again. Now it could have been that I had may annual review today, over 26 months late, work short on cash (short term sucky, long term fine). Then I allowed myself to get up in sniping about a bureacrat. This person does work hard and has the right goals in mind, but DAMN, this woman can be COOL, CONDISSENDING, and lack a tsuamui size amount of "I'm here to help" not NO, NO, NO and No I didn't that I told you that (just check here continuing of change in every other email)
I even got so cheesed by here lack of listening skills, cover my (her) ass positions and NEGATIVE Karma that I even popped of to a Elected Offical and Department Head, but both of them were even more down on her.
Now I don't like her as a person, I don't think she does a job and PLEASE!!!!! wash that damn hair woman!@!#%#*+.
BUT, I must say I made a mistake by saying it to other governmental employees.
So to say the least my brain has tired in just to day.

NOTE: Until the court case in E WA about a government worker blog and getting fired, I with hold the name for MY protection.